A wise old Lakota-Sioux Woman

My photo
The old photo to your left is an important one:Chief's Red Cloud and Sitting Bull. (Update: a fellow blogger notified me and corrected the Warrior next to Red Cloud is American Horse. Also see picture of American Horse in full headress at bottom of this blog) I'm a Lakota-Sioux ,born and raised in Central Wyoming on the Arapho/ Shoshone Rez. My wisdom comes from the school of hard knocks,and the paths I choose to take. Along with the advice and stories from my elders, my road has lead me here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TheFranken-Coleman race


Al Franken is very worried he won't be seated.

Reid is desperate to seat him.

But they can't get their way. Find out why below.

Despite the fact a judicial and legal process is under way in Minnesota to determine who actually won the U.S. Senate seat, the Democrats are brazenly trying to bully and disrupt their way in a shocking attempt to seat Al Franken in the senate.

Just this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid arrogantly asserted he will seat liberal hate comedian Al Franken in the US Senate no matter what.
Reid stated: "We're going to try to seat Al Franken. There's not a question in anyone's mind, an assertion by anyone, that there's been any fraud or wrong doing in this election."

How about starting with Minnesota law which clearly indicates Al Franken is not the U.S. Senator?In fact, the election contest is still under way. Recently, the election process moved before a three judge panel to determine if Al Franken actually leads -- after almost two months of Democratic funny business during the recount.

Remember, on election night Republican Senator Norm Coleman actually led Al Franken by 725 votes.

Then, Franken raced to his liberal friends in Hollywood and New York, getting millions from the likes of billionaire George Soros. Franken and his gang used this money to wage a fierce legal fight to steal the election from Senator Norm Coleman.

Media Hiding Truth About Franken Election Theft
It's a disgrace what has been done. It is an outrage the media have simply not reported this story.

Let's review some key facts Harry Reid, Al Franken and the liberal media don't want you to know:

Every major Minnesota newspaper has agreed that the election is not over until the Election Contest is over. The state's largest newspaper, the Minneapolis Star Tribune ,stated: "Coleman is justified in going to court. . . . Both Franken and Coleman should want court-ordered answers to questions that the Canvassing Board could not answer."

In its initial review of a few issues in front of the Canvassing Board, The Minnesota Supreme Court specifically deferred several significant issues during the recount to the Election Contest judicial panel including the issue of double counted ballots.

* Even Franken in December was arguing that some issues such as double counting and wrongly rejected absent were issues for the courts during an Election Contest.

* The manual of the Soros-ACORN backed Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie's office on how to conduct a recount plainly states a Minnesota recount cannot address all issues. "This is an administrative recount held pursuant to M.S. 204C.35 and M.R. 8235. It is not to determine who was eligible to vote. It is not to determine if campaign laws were violated. It is not to determine if absentee ballots were properly accepted. It is not -- except for the recounting the ballots -- to determine if judges did things right. It is simply to physically recount the ballots for this race!"

I want you to know that we at the Republican National Lawyers Association are not stopping in our fight for a fair vote in Minnesota.

Al Franken and his liberal allies in Congress and the media are powerful. But we have the law and truth on our side.
Al Franken Is Very Worried
We urgently need to get the word out that Al Franken is illegitimate.
This is why Harry Reid so desperately wants to seat Al Franken now and ignore Minnesota law.
He knows that Franken may very well lose the court run Election Contest!
And Franken is so furious he has not been seated, he has even filed suit, claiming that Minnesota law does not apply to a Minnesota Senate race -- if you can believe that!

Al Franken is very worried.

He fears that if all the legal votes are counted, and only counted once, Senator Coleman will win -- just as he did on Election night.

Al Franken is also desperate, so desperate his friends want to stop us the RNLA.

Franken's allies at the Democrat Party of Minnesota filed a complaint against RNLA with the Federal Election Commission.
They want to stop us because they know how effective we are.
They want to shut us up.
They know if people of America know the truth about the Minnesota election, no one would accept the outrageous seating of Franken as a Senator with all the irregularities, fraud, and problems associated with this election.
Our Country's Future May Depend on This Race
Please remember that much is at stake here.

If Al Franken wins, the Democrats will have 59 seats in the U.S. Senate -- just one Senate vote short of giving the Democrats the ability to crush a Republican filibuster.

This means Reid, Obama and Pelosi will be able to push through radical legislation on all sorts of issues. This is why they desperately want to put Al Franken in the Senate.

Franken is a notorious liberal. He will be a rubber stamp for Obama, Reid and Pelosi. They know that every vote will count in the new Senate. The whole future of the country may well depend on this crucial Senate vote from Minnesota.

Fox News analyst Dick Morris has warned that the Democrats want Franken in the Senate to push through a radical agenda. Dick has praised the RNLA for our efforts to demand a fair vote in Minnesota.

RNLA has led the fight against vote fraud and exposing groups like ACORN. RNLA did not stand by and let ACORN get away with saying that all they did was register people. Now Reid and Franken want to say there was nothing wrong and the Minnesota election is over before the election contest court case even really starts.

Nancy Pelosi and the windfall tax

Share/Save/Bookmark Windfall Tax on Retirement Income

Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you're so darn stupid that we're going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you.
That's what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below...............

Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income. In other words tax what you have made by investing toward your retirement. This woman is a nut case! You aren't going to believe this.

Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual Funds! Alas , it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!

This woman is frightening!
She quotes...' We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income, (didn't Marx say something like this?), in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.' (I'm not rich, are you?)

When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:
We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'.' (Read that quote again and again and let it sink in. 'Lower your retirement, give it to others who have not worked as you have for it'