The old photo to your left is an important one:Chief's Red Cloud and Sitting Bull.
(Update: a fellow blogger notified me and corrected the Warrior next to Red Cloud is American Horse. Also see picture of American Horse in full headress at bottom of this blog)
I'm a Lakota-Sioux ,born and raised in Central Wyoming on the Arapho/ Shoshone Rez. My wisdom comes from the school of hard knocks,and the paths I choose to take. Along with the advice and stories from my elders, my road has lead me here.
Expressing the Sense of the Congress that the Federal Government should not create a national database tracking firearm owners or firearm purchases. (Introduced in House)
1st Session
H. CON. RES. 71 Expressing the Sense of the Congress that the Federal Government should not create a national database tracking firearm owners or firearm purchases.
March 12, 2009 Mr. REHBERG submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Expressing the Sense of the Congress that the Federal Government should not create a national database tracking firearm owners or firearm purchases.
Whereas the constitutional right to keep and bear arms conferred by the Second Amendment is essential to the defense of our Nation, the maintenance of liberty, and the suppression of tyranny;
Whereas the Supreme Court ruled, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes such as self-defense and the defense of others;
Whereas infringement of the right to keep and bear arms would place individual citizens and the Nation as a whole at the mercy of threats both foreign and domestic;
Whereas George Washington, America's original commander-in-chief and President of the United States, stated `Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence . . . the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference--they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.'; and
Whereas law-abiding citizens have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms free from harassment and intimidation: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of the Congress that the Federal Government should not create a national database for the purpose of tracking firearm owners or firearm purchases, as affirmed by section 926(a) of title 18, United States Code, as enacted by the Congress in Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.
US acts like banana republic. After spending nearly all of his first 100 days in office apologizing for being American and the perceived ills America has done to the world, President B. Hussein Obama gets a lesson in tin pot dictatorship from Ortega and Chavez.
Upon returning from the world apology tour, wherein he groveled and whined and generally behaved like an emasculated child raised by a single mother, with empty hands, empty pockets (as the worlds bullies took his lunch money on the worlds playground) and a brand new plan, President Obama set out to show what he had learned. Winning an election is not good enough. You must then embarrass, humiliate and possibly imprison your competition. Welcome to Barack’s Banana Republic, aka America.
The Constitution is slipping through Americans fingers like the mercurial republic it creates. We cannot let this President drag a former president through the mud, for actions taken to protect America after attacks on our soil. Particularly when the former President and his legal team based his decisions and actions upon a definition of torture created by the Democrat controlled congress of 1994.
Logic dictates that if you use a definition of torture, that comes from the legislative body of the United States of America, then they are the ones you seek to punish, not the person who used that definition to protect America. Of course, logic does not seem to apply to the Obama presidency.
President Obama cannot stand up to the bullies of the world due to his embarrassment at being American, his guilt of being privileged and his weakness of character and heart as demonstrated by his voting present so many times as a Senator and the giving up of America’s lunch money to anyone who asks for it. But, he can stand up to a former President who no longer has authority, after stating he won’t. Why, because the radical left of his party demand it due to Bush Derangement Syndrome. B. Hussein Obama cannot stand up to anyone. It is a sad day for him, although I am sure he is used to it by now, and a sad day for America
Lyrics: Wani wachiyelo Ate omakiyayo (Father help me I want to live) Atay nimichikun (Father you have done this) Oshiya chichiyelo (Humbly have pity on me) Wani wachiyelo Atay omakiyayo (Father help me I want to live) [ Wani wachiyelo Atay (Father I want to live)
Interview with He Dog, Oglala, S.D. July 7, 1930 Thomas White Cow Killer, Interpreter . . I will be glad to tell you about Crazy Horse or any others of our old time chiefs about whom you may wish to know because I am an old man now and shall not live many years longer and it is time for me to tell these things. Whatever I tell you will be the exact truth, because I was in a position to know what I talk about. There are a lot of old Indians hanging about the reservation who like to talk to the white people and would just as soon tell you anything, whether it is true or not. They are men whom we would not have had as servants, those of us who were Chiefs in the old days. I and Crazy Horse were both born in the same year and at the same season of the year. We grew up together in the same band, played together, courted the girls together and fought together. I am now ninety-two years old, so you can figure out in what year he was born by your calendar. When we were 17 or 18 years old we separated. Crazy Horse went to the Rosebud Band (that is to the Brules, of whom Spotted Tail was Chief a little later) of Indians and stayed with them for about a year. Then he came home. After he had been back for a while, I made inquiries about why he had left the Rosebud band. I was told he had to come back because he had killed a Winnebago woman. (According to ancient Lakota custom, coup could be counted on an enemy woman if she was killed in the sight of the fighting men of her tribe. The theory was that the enemy would fight even harder to protect or avenge one of their women than one of their men. But the Brules were already agency Indians and the authorities took a different attitude about it. Apparently Crazy Horse himself changed his mind about the ethics of this custom if the speech of his reported by Captain Hans in "The Great Sioux Nation" is correct). Less than a year after Crazy Horse left camp, I joined in a trip against the Crow Indians. WHen I got home, the crier was announcing that Crazy Horse was back in camp. Only his name was not Crazy Horse at that time. He has three names at different times of his life. His name until he was about ten years old was Curly Hair. Later, from the time he was ten until the time he was about eighteen years of age, he was called His-Horse-On-Sight, but this name did not stick to him. When he was about eighteen years old there was a fight with the Arapahos who were up on a high hill covered with big rocks and near a river. Although he was just a boy, he charged them several times alone and came back wounded but with two Arapaho scalps. His father, whose name was Crazy Horse, made a feast and gave his son his own name. After that, the father was no longer called by the name he had given away, but was called by a nickname, Worm. Crazy Horse, the son, was one of three children. The oldest was a Sister, the next was Crazy Horse, and the third was a Brother. All are dead now. When we were young men, the Oglala band divided into two parts, one led by Red Cloud and one by Man-Afraid-of-His-Horse, the elder. I and Crazy Horse stayed with the part led by Man-Afraid-Of-His-Horse. Later this half subdivided again into two parts. I stayed with the more Northern half of which I and Big Road, and later Holy Bald Eagle and Red Cloud, were appointed joint Chiefs ("shirt wearers", so called from a particular kind of ceremonial shirt worn by this class of chieftain as insignia of office). Crazy Horse remained with the Southern quarter of the tribe. The council of this division awarded the chieftainship to Crazy Horse, American Horse, Young-Man-Afraid-Of-His-Horse, and Sword. It was many years after our first battles before we were made Chiefs. A man had to distinguish himself in many fights and in peace as well before he could be chosen as a Chief. (After consultation together, He Dog and the interpreter dated these appointments as having been made about 1865 by the white man's calendar) The name of Crazy Horse's band was the Hunkpatila (End of Circle) band because when the tribe was encamped together it occupied one end of the tribal crescent. At about the time these appointments were made Crazy Horse moved towards the White Mountains (Indian name of the Big Horn Mountains). Crazy Horse and I went together on a war trip to the other side of the mountains. When we came back, the people came out of the camp to meet us and escorted us back and at a big ceremony presented us with two spears, the gift of the whole tribe, which was met together. These spears were each three or four hundreds years old and were given by the older generation to those in the younger generation who had best lived the life of a warrior. Crazy Horse was still single when he was made a "shirt wearer". A few years after this he began to pay attention to the wife of a man named No Water. No Water did not want to let the woman go. In the Battle "When They Chased The Crows Back To Camp", (1870) He Dog and Crazy Horse were the lance bearers of the Kangi Yuhn (Crow Owner's Society). About ten days after that battle Crazy Horse started off on a smaller war expedition and No Water's wife went along with him. No Water followed them and came to the tipi of Bad Heart Bull and asked to borrow a certain good revolver (Bad Heart Bull was a brother of He Dog and is now dead) which Bad Heart Bull owned. He said he wanted to go hunting. Crazy Horse and the woman were sitting by the fire in a tipi belonging to some of their friends. No Water entered the tipi, walked up to Crazy Horse as near as I am to that stove (about four feet) and shot him through the face. The bullet entered just below the left nostril. That is how Crazy Horse got his scar. No Water took his wife back. Because of all this, Crazy Horse could not be a "shirt wearer" any longer. When we were made Chiefs, we were bound by very strict rules as to what we should do and what not do, which were very hard for us to follow. I have never spoken to nay but a very few persons of what they made us promise them. I have always kept the oaths I made then, but Crazy Horse did not. Later on the older, more responsible men of the tribe conferred another kind of Chieftainship on Crazy Horse. He was made War Chief of the whole Oglala tribe. A similar office was conferred on Sitting Bull by the Hunkpapa tribe. This was still early, a long, long time before the Custer fight. At this time the government did not know who we were. Crazy Horse always led his men himself, when they went into battle, and he kept well in front of them. He headed many charges and was many times wounded in battle, but never seriously. He never wore a war bonnet. A medicine man named Chips had given him power if he would wear in battle an eagle bone whistle and one feather and a certain round stone with a hole in it. He wore the stone under his left arm, suspended by a leather thong that went over his shoulder. The one central feather that is in the middle of the war eagle's tail, that was the feather he wore in his hair. (He Dog denied with a chuckle, various stories told about how Crazy Horse on certain occasions threw away his rifle and charged in with a war club or a riding quirt, a characteristic Indian mode of seeking death in battle) Crazy Horse always stuck close to his rifle. He always tried to kill as many as possible of the enemy without losing his own men. He never spoke in council and attended very few. There was no special reason for this, it was just his nature. He was a very quiet man except when there was fighting. Crazy Horse was married three times. The first time was to No Water's wife, but she only stayed with him a few days. Shortly after that he married Red Feather's sister. By her he had one child, a little girl who died when about two years old. A long while after, when he had surrendered at Ft. Robinson, he married a young half-breed girl. He did not have any children by her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Susan Boyle - Cry Me A River - 1999 Recording (From The Scottish Daily Record Newspaper)
Twas the night before the Big Tea Party and everyone is in the position within the states they are to attend; A preview on the tellie showed they were parading the route in advance. A few Thomas Paine's to relax and partake at the end of this blog.
Watch out for the Acorn (leftist wing 'nuts'), they are gonna try to get the party out of control and use violence if they have to!They don't even understand what the protest is all about. Besides, they are Welfare folks that have been paid to protest! Hey Democrat's and extreme leftists, you got to pay taxes too, Join in, "But be cool"!
After the Tea Party tomorrow, We all must focus on making our State's Sovereign!
We have to join together and start the drive; to enjoin our Governor's, Senator's and Representative's to the fact that 'We The People' are ready to take our government back into our own hands and stop letting the Federal Government force us to take on some of the financial fascist laws, and controls on our freedoms! Here's a few video's to watch, they are all true! Listen closely as they speak and inform.....
"According to the Department of Homeland Security, Texas fits the Department's profile of potential domestic terrorism described in their newly released report titled, " Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment".
The update on states is now totaled 30!
Penn. State Rep Sam Rohrer Pennsylvania probably is on the terrorists watch list also! Along with the other 29 states....Shouldn't the Fed's realize the American People are mad as hell and we are standing up for what we believe in?
Here's a few of Thomas Paine's video's to enjoy.....
The Myth of 90 Percent: Only a Small Fraction of Guns in Mexico Come From U.S. While 90 percent of the guns traced to the U.S. actually originated in the United States, the percent traced to the U.S. is only about 17 percent of the total number of guns reaching Mexico. By William La Jeunesse and Maxim Lott
Thursday, April 02, 2009
FILE: In this Nov. 7, 2008, photo a soldier stands guard during the presentation in Mexico City of arms, captured in the largest seizure of Gulf drug-cartel weapons to date, about 288 assault rifles, 500,000 rounds of ammunition, numerous grenades and several .50-caliber rifles (AP).
-- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.
-- CBS newsman Bob Schieffer referred to it while interviewing President Obama.
-- California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said at a Senate hearing: "It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the United States."
-- William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, testified in the House of Representatives that "there is more than enough evidence to indicate that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States."
There's just one problem with the 90 percent "statistic" and it's a big one:
It's just not true.
In fact, it's not even close. The fact is, only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.
What's true, an ATF spokeswoman told, in a clarification of the statistic used by her own agency's assistant director, "is that over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S."
But a large percentage of the guns recovered in Mexico do not get sent back to the U.S. for tracing, because it is obvious from their markings that they do not come from the U.S.
"Not every weapon seized in Mexico has a serial number on it that would make it traceable, and the U.S. effort to trace weapons really only extends to weapons that have been in the U.S. market," Matt Allen, special agent of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), told FOX News.
A Look at the Numbers
In 2007-2008, according to ATF Special Agent William Newell, Mexico submitted 11,000 guns to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced -- and of those, 90 percent -- 5,114 to be exact, according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover -- were found to have come from the U.S.
But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime scenes.
In other words, 68 percent of the guns that were recovered were never submitted for tracing. And when you weed out the roughly 6,000 guns that could not be traced from the remaining 32 percent, it means 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced to the U.S.
So, if not from the U.S., where do they come from? There are a variety of sources:
-- The Black Market. Mexico is a virtual arms bazaar, with fragmentation grenades from South Korea, AK-47s from China, and shoulder-fired rocket launchers from Spain, Israel and former Soviet bloc manufacturers.
-- Russian crime organizations. Interpol says Russian Mafia groups such as Poldolskaya and Moscow-based Solntsevskaya are actively trafficking drugs and arms in Mexico.
- South America. During the late 1990s, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) established a clandestine arms smuggling and drug trafficking partnership with the Tijuana cartel, according to the Federal Research Division report from the Library of Congress.
-- Asia. According to a 2006 Amnesty International Report, China has provided arms to countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Chinese assault weapons and Korean explosives have been recovered in Mexico.
-- The Mexican Army. More than 150,000 soldiers deserted in the last six years, according to Mexican Congressman Robert Badillo. Many took their weapons with them, including the standard issue M-16 assault rifle made in Belgium.
-- Guatemala. U.S. intelligence agencies say traffickers move immigrants, stolen cars, guns and drugs, including most of America's cocaine, along the porous Mexican-Guatemalan border. On March 27, La Hora, a Guatemalan newspaper, reported that police seized 500 grenades and a load of AK-47s on the border. Police say the cache was transported by a Mexican drug cartel operating out of Ixcan, a border town.
'These Don't Come From El Paso'
Ed Head, a firearms instructor in Arizona who spent 24 years with the U.S. Border Patrol, recently displayed an array of weapons considered "assault rifles" that are similar to those recovered in Mexico, but are unavailable for sale in the U.S.
"These kinds of guns -- the auto versions of these guns -- they are not coming from El Paso," he said. "They are coming from other sources. They are brought in from Guatemala. They are brought in from places like China. They are being diverted from the military. But you don't get these guns from the U.S."
Some guns, he said, "are legitimately shipped to the government of Mexico, by Colt, for example, in the United States. They are approved by the U.S. government for use by the Mexican military service. The guns end up in Mexico that way -- the fully auto versions -- they are not smuggled in across the river."
Many of the fully automatic weapons that have been seized in Mexico cannot be found in the U.S., but they are not uncommon in the Third World.
The Mexican government said it has seized 2,239 grenades in the last two years -- but those grenades and the rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) are unavailable in U.S. gun shops. The ones used in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey in October and a TV station in January were made in South Korea. Almost 70 similar grenades were seized in February in the bottom of a truck entering Mexico from Guatemala.
"Most of these weapons are being smuggled from Central American countries or by sea, eluding U.S. and Mexican monitors who are focused on the smuggling of semi-automatic and conventional weapons purchased from dealers in the U.S. border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California," according to a report in the Los Angeles Times.
Boatloads of Weapons
So why would the Mexican drug cartels, which last year grossed between $17 billion and $38 billion, bother buying single-shot rifles, and force thousands of unknown "straw" buyers in the U.S. through a government background check, when they can buy boatloads of fully automatic M-16s and assault rifles from China, Israel or South Africa?
Alberto Islas, a security consultant who advises the Mexican government, says the drug cartels are using the Guatemalan border to move black market weapons. Some are left over from the Central American wars the United States helped fight; others, like the grenades and launchers, are South Korean, Israeli and Spanish. Some were legally supplied to the Mexican government; others were sold by corrupt military officers or officials.
The exaggeration of United States "responsibility" for the lawlessness in Mexico extends even beyond the "90-percent" falsehood -- and some Second Amendment activists believe it's designed to promote more restrictive gun-control laws in the U.S.
In a remarkable claim, Auturo Sarukhan, the Mexican ambassador to the U.S., said Mexico seizes 2,000 guns a day from the United States -- 730,000 a year. That's a far cry from the official statistic from the Mexican attorney general's office, which says Mexico seized 29,000 weapons in all of 2007 and 2008.
Chris Cox, spokesman for the National Rifle Association, blames the media and anti-gun politicians in the U.S. for misrepresenting where Mexican weapons come from.
"Reporter after politician after news anchor just disregards the truth on this," Cox said. "The numbers are intentionally used to weaken the Second Amendment."
"The predominant source of guns in Mexico is Central and South America. You also have Russian, Chinese and Israeli guns. It's estimated that over 100,000 soldiers deserted the army to work for the drug cartels, and that ignores all the police. How many of them took their weapons with them?"
But Tom Diaz, senior policy analyst at the Violence Policy Center, called the "90 percent" issue a red herring and said that it should not detract from the effort to stop gun trafficking into Mexico.
"Let's do what we can with what we know," he said. "We know that one hell of a lot of firearms come from the United States because our gun market is wide open
That piece of red, white and blue cloth stands for a system and a country that does not honor it's own word...If it stood for honor and truth, it would remember our treaties and give them the appropriate place under international law. But it doesn't. It dishonors its own word and violates its treaties...In Honor of Tony Black Feather (Died August 11 2004)