A wise old Lakota-Sioux Woman

My photo
The old photo to your left is an important one:Chief's Red Cloud and Sitting Bull. (Update: a fellow blogger notified me and corrected the Warrior next to Red Cloud is American Horse. Also see picture of American Horse in full headress at bottom of this blog) I'm a Lakota-Sioux ,born and raised in Central Wyoming on the Arapho/ Shoshone Rez. My wisdom comes from the school of hard knocks,and the paths I choose to take. Along with the advice and stories from my elders, my road has lead me here.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Navajo Iva Gamble: Attorneys aid US to Steal Navajo Water Rights

Share/Save/Bookmark I cannot understand the Government; Obama has been offering all kinds of things to all the Nations, giving back to a sense, for everything bad that has happened to us from the time the white man set foot on American soil. Offering us more law enforcement; medical; clean up of hazardous waste and an assortment of other offerings...all the while stealing land; mineral resource's; water rights, our right's to anything important to our survivial on what's left of our lands after the BIA and McCain and all his buddies destroyed it. Since 1944 The Government & the BIA has had a hand in ripping the Indian Nation's very existance from Mother Earth! We are human beings! Can't you get this through your head's? We've always been this.....All we are trying to do is peacefully live our live's on what little land you crowded us onto back in the 1800's/1900's! Little did all of us, both the Nation's and the Government know that we were sitting on a virtual gold mine of coal and yellow cake. Once the Government found this out, they have destroyed us in every way imaginable! We go to the UN for help and they do nothing! We take it to the Supreme Court and are ruled against...even when they side with us; The Government goes on with what they were doing and everyone turns and looks the other way.
It puts me in such a rage! It sickens me! Where is the people out there that can help the NDN Nations and why won't they step forward and help us?
That's my rant, I hope someone takes notice...Here's Iva Gamble's article:

Friday, September 17, 2010; article by Iva Gamble, Navajo

LeChee Chapter

Navajo Iva Gamble: Attorneys aid US to Steal Navajo Water Rights

The water rights settlement being proffered by bureaucrats, certain politicians, and longtime water attorney Stanley Pollack has been recently discussed at chapters of Western Navajo asking for their consent to the agreement.

The settlement, a fraction of the aboriginal claim of the Dine’, has been represented as the “best offer we could get." The question becomes who is it best for?

Once the Dine’ had great leaders like Manuelito and Barboncito, who defined Dine’ bi Keyah by 4 rivers and 4 mountains; these leaders understood negotiations; they had fought off the most powerful empire in history by skillfully playing faction against faction.

These leaders understood they must fight for the protection of the homeland and still leave a great legacy for the coming generations. Skillful leaders afterwards grew the Nation to its’ present size. Almost 100 years later a brave chairman asserted the same claim, calling out the empire for its’ illegal overthrowing of our Nation, and demanded that our compensation equal what is our birthright.

Read Iva Gamble's editorial:

ALERT: Facebook suspended my(Iva Gamble) account after I posted this comment beneath the editorial. I can no longer access my Facebook account:

After the removal of former Navajo Chairman Peter MacDonald, it was interesting to see where the attorneys went, who were involved in his removal. One of those attorneys were to DC and worked in water rights, and the others went to southern Arizona to "negotiate" Indian Nations water rights settlements with the federal government.

Earlier, during the federal trial of MacDonald, a Navajo businessman told me the bottom line of the imprisonment of Peter MacDonald. He said, "This about water rights."

Later, Peter MacDonald issued this statement on the Winters Doctrine, urging Navajos to hold fast to their ancestral Dine' water rights:


Former Navajo Chairman Peter MacDonald urged the Navajo Nation Council to reject a San Juan River water rights settlement with the state of New Mexico and instead take the battle for Navajo water rights to court, under the Winters Doctrine, which gives precedence to Indian water claims.
”Once a tribe makes a settlement with the state, the tribe waives its claims under the Winters Doctrine. That is the reason behind this settlement
initiated on the part of Congress,” said MacDonald.

MacDonald said Congress began urging Indian tribes in 1989 to agree to water settlements with states in order to bypass the Winters Doctrine.

"It was done to quiet all the water rights questions in the West,” MacDonald said.

"The carrot” being held out to Indian tribes, he said, is the promise of federal money to develop water on Indian lands.

Posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at 8:29 AM

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